Thai - Durian Puangmanee
Sumber grafik : yearofthedurian
Imej ini diperoleh daripada Lindsay Gasik yang merupakan founder kepada blog durian terkenal dengan domain Beliau sanggup melancong ke seluruh negara semata-mata untuk mencari buah durian yang menarik. Perkembangan terkini daripada beliau turut menyatakan hasrat untuk mengetengahkan dusun-dusun durian terpencil yang masih tersembunyi untuk diketengahkan sebagai destinasi perlancongan. Semoga usaha beliau terus menerus dapat memberikan nilai tambah kepada ramai pengusaha yang sedang membangunkan agro tourism berasaskan tanaman durian. Berikut adalah penerangan beliau berkenaan buah durian dari varieti Puangmanee berdasarkan pengamatan beliau :
This image is derived from Lindsay Gasik who is the founder of durian blog famous for domain. He is willing to travel around the country solely to find interesting durian fruits. His recent developments also expressed his desire to highlight hidden secluded orchard hamlets to be featured as a travel destination. Hopefully, his efforts will continue to provide added value to many entrepreneurs who are developing durian-based agro-tourism. Here is his description of durian fruit from the Puangmanee variety based on his observations:
Puangmanee(Pongmanee,Puang Manee, Phung Manee)About:A variety local to Chanthaburi province that is gaining popularity in other regions.Translation:Manee's Flower Clusters. Puangmanee flowers in clusters or bunches. “Puang” means bunch, and Manee is the wife of the man who discovered this excellent durian.Size:A small durian that rarely weighs more than 1.5 kg.Inside:Deep yellow to orange flesh with a smooth, chocolatey sensation. It is one of the stronger tasting durians and a personal favorite.Outside: A small deep green durian with dense, very sharp thorns and a faint pale brown star on the bottom marking the seams. The shape is usually similar to a pear.PricePeak:60 baht/kilo, Average: 100 baht/kilo, Out of Season:Not available.Days From Flower to Harvest:100–110. - Thailand The Durian Tourist's Guide by Lindsay Gasik
InfoGrafik di atas dibina untuk memudahkan peminat durian dan penanam durian mengenalpasti varieti buah durian Puangmanee. Walaupun yang demikian masih terdepat beberapa gambar yang masih belum diperolehi. Sekiranya anda mempunyai gambar yang masih belum lengkap dalam infografik di atas mohon berikan sumbangan melalui link berikut : KLIK DI SINI
The above Graphic info is built to facilitate durian and durian enthusiasts to identify Puangmanee durian varieties. Even so is still some of the still images that are still missing. If you have a picture that is still incomplete in the above infographics please donate via the following link: CLICK HERE
Lindsay Gasik semasa lawatan ke dusun durian bersama pohon durian Puangmanee. Kesungguhan beliau untuk mengetengahkan dusun dan varieti durian di Asia harus diberi pujian kerana kepelbagaian ini mampu menarik lebih ramai pelancong hadir menikmati citarasa asia yang sebenar!.
Lindsay Gasik during a visit to durian hamlet with Puangmanee durian tree. His determination to highlight durian and durian varieties in Asia should be praised for this diversity to attract more tourists to enjoy the real taste of Asia !
The Original Puangmanee Durian Tree
Manee and her husband were primarily rubber farmers, but they had an orchard around their house with trees planted by the previous owner, and Mr. Germ and Mrs. Ping. Around 1955, when Manee was 22 years old, her mother-in-law purchased the land for the young couple as a wedding gift. The tree was already there. - yearofthedurian
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